What the f?#k is a Green Smoothie?!
  • greensspinach/kale
  • chia seeds
  • coconut water/coconut milk/coconut oil/full fat sugar free yoghurtI use five:am Natural Yoghurt
  • frozen banana
  • frozen berries
  • sometimes a little touch of honey
  • celery/cucumber
  • avocado
  • LSA/Almond meal
  • mango/watermelon/pineapple whichever fruit isseason (remember not too much fruit as your blood sugar levels will spike. On this – starting your day with an orance juice might seem like a habit you can’t break but it could also be the reason you are reaching for chocolate by mid morning – it’s a HUGE sugar spike to start your day
  1. Just have a go. Obviously not all are added to the one smoothie. I find I also need to add water a lot of the time to thin it down.
Recipe Notes

I thought there was something deeply mysterious about these ‘green smoothies’, but there’s not. All there needs to be is an intention to put a stack of goodness in your blender (hard core blenders work the best!) and experiment. Why not enjoy a tasty drink that is packed full of healthy food? Seriously, why not?? Add it to your day and I guarantee you’ll notice a difference to the way you feel, physically and mentally.

So have a go. Google green smoothies for great ideas. Let me know what you like – I’m always looking for inspiration. There is nothing elitist about it. If you’ve got a blender, you can do it too.