Kale Chips – the yummiest way to eat kale (that I’ve found anyway)
  • A bunch of kale
  • Enough olive oil to coat the leaves
  • Sea salt
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees (fan forced).
  2. Break up the kale into smaller pieces by removing the leaves from the stem (if you need to, wash the kale first and dry in a tea towel). Place on a baking tray and line with baking paper if you like (I’d run out).
  3. Drizzle oil over leaves and use your hands to make sure they are well coated. You don’t want it dripping in oil but we need good coverage. Next, generously sprinkle with sea salt.
  4. Pop the tray into the oven and wait and watch. There is no magic number for how long it takes but I’d say around 8-10 minutes they are starting to crisp up. You want them crispy and brittle. If they are still chewy then put them back in for a few minutes longer. You’ll know when you’ve got it right because they’ll taste awesome and will break apart easily and they’ll look like this:
Recipe Notes

After a bowl of kale chips I am jumping off the walls – I get so much energy. And my husband and kid like them too – so they don’t last long. Try them. Trust me. You are doing yourself such a massive favour and it’s easy because they’re yummy!

Enjoy x